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Low Carbon Development in Large and Energy Intensive Sectors

State Carbon Footprint Studies

CII-Godrej GBC has been assisting several Indian States in estimating their carbon footprint, and, in the process, enabling the States to plan for Low Carbon Development.

The main objectives of the studies are to:
• Enable the State develop emissions inventories, following internationally recognised GHG accounting and reporting principles, with detailed attention to the unique context of local government operations.
• Develop a carbon footprint to serve as a basis forthe State's climate goals.
• Make an estimate current carbon emissions and project emissions profile by 2020 in a Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario.
• Identify mechanisms for intervention of the State for reduction ofcarbon intensity across various sectors,including energy, agriculture, industry, transport, etc.
• Develop a Low Carbon Roadmap for the State.

CII has worked with Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh (before bifurcation), Odisha, and Meghalaya.

Partners: State Governments

Status: Ongoing

Thematic Area: Energy Efficiency, Climate Change, Low Carbon Development

Assessing Non-State Action (Industry) for GHG Mitigation

The objective of piloting the ICAT Non-State and Subnational Action Guidance was to assess the contribution of non-State actors in achieving the climate change goals (Nationally Determined Contribution), and to provide feedback on various aspects of guidance document to further strengthen it.

The scope of the study was to assess the emission reduction impact from voluntary business commitments of 50 companies and the cement sector. The assessment focused on GHG emission reduction within the national boundary by non-State actors, and was limited to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions only. The study focused on applying the modalities of guidance document to assess the impact of 50 companies (mixed sectors) and the cement sector in India.

The Non-State Action for industrial sector was arrived at by considering the GHG reduction of various companies by 2030.However, the reduction contribution varied from sector to sector and also from company to company. From the sector analysis, it was concluded that the energy-intensive sectors (heavy industries) such as metal, paper and cement are driving the GHG reduction (Non-State Action) contributing to over 90% of the overall non-State action (absolute) assessed under the study.

However, the absolute contribution by the sector is driven by the energy intensive or core industrial sectors, such as cement, iron & steel, pulp & paper, etc. Other sectors, such as automobile, services, FMCG, etc., have set ambitious targets for GHG reduction.

Supported By: WRI

Duration: 2018-2019

India GHG Programme

The India GHG Programme, launched in July 2013, aimed to facilitate effective GHG management in the Indian industry, and in the process, promote sustainable and competitive business growth models.

The primary objective of the India GHG Programme was to build institutional capabilities in Indian businesses and organisations. The India GHG Programme brought together internationally recognised GHG accounting and measurement tools and methodologies that serve to create a key platform, facilitating national-level benchmarking of GHG emissions, and incentivising sustainable business initiatives.

The India GHG Programme acted as a 'Centre of Excellence' by disseminating regional, sectoral and global best practices, to create a culture of inventorisation and benchmarking of GHG emissions in India.

The India GHG Programme followed a multi-stakeholder approach through effective representation of stakeholders (such as other industry associations, sector associations, Ministries and government agencies, civil society organisations, and experts) in promoting a standardised method of GHG accounting.

The programme was able to contribute to promoting effective GHG management by creating India-specific tools, roadmap and emissions factors.

Over 40 corporate members worked towards promoting effective GHG management and mitigation under this programme.

Partners: World Resource Institute India (WRI India), and The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI)

Thematic Area: Resource Efficiency, GHG Management and Mitigation and Capacity Building

Duration: 2013-2017

Funded By: Bundesministerium for Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB), Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, and Priojsha Godrej Foundation.

Pilot Application for Mainstreaming GHG Management in Select Manufacturing Sectors

Building on the success of the previous projects in the Cement and Chemical sectors, the Paper & Pulp and Engineering sectors were selected for pilot application of GHG Management.

Considering the potential and impact these sectors have, GHG Inventorisation was initiated in 10 pilot units from Engineering and Pulp & Paper sectors.

The project aimed to identify and assess the GHG emissions resulting from unit's operations. The development of a structured inventory of energy uses and other activities that produce greenhouse gas emissions enabled the identification of areas of improvement, such as energy efficiency or logistics. It facilitated the development of emissions reduction strategies that can provide both financial and environmental benefits, i.e., the business case for implementing GHG inventory.

The units were selected based on interest shown by the companies and commitment from the top management for the project activities. Emission mitigation opportunities were also identified for individual units. Through the project, more than 500 individuals in more than 60 companies were trained on GHG accounting and RECP techniques.

Partners: UNIDO & SECO

Status: Completed

Fiscal Instruments for Low Carbon Development - West Bengal, Odisha and Tamil Nadu

CII has been working with various State Governments to assist them on Low Carbon Development strategies. Discussions with the State Governments of West Bengal, Odisha, and Tamil Nadu showed a keenness on their part for accelerating initiatives for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Recognising the importance of Fiscal Instruments and incentives for accelerating Low Carbon Development, a policy recommendation was made to State Governments to introduce various fiscal instruments. The project consisted of two phases. Phase I included a desk review of international and national scenarios, identifying sectors of interventions, and development of set recommendations supported with cost benefit and effectiveness analysis for each recommendation. Phase II consisted of supporting the State Governments in implementing the selected recommendations. During this phase, capacity building for government officials and stakeholder consultations were conducted. A report on clean technologies for industries was also developed to accelerate the implementation of clean technologies in the industry. The major recommendations were:

Odisha & West Bengal
• Low Carbon Refunding Scheme - Power & Industry.
• Incentives for Waste Heat Recovery Projects.
• Incentives for Green Buildings.
• Incentives for reduced waste generation/recycling.

Tamil Nadu
• Green Cess on electricity.
• Integrating Cess on Waste Disposal with subsidies for co-incineration in cement kiln.
• Reduction of VAT on energy saving equipment.
• Implementation of Congestion Tax and introduction of differential VAT for fuels based on carbon content.
• For all the recommended measures, the cost-benefit analysis was presented, considering the financial cost, environmental cost, and net social cost.

Partners: British Deputy High Commission (UK FCO), Industrial Investment Promotion Corporation of Odisha Limited, the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation, Madras School of Economics and JadavpurUniversity.

Status: Completed

Aviation Climate Leadership Initiative

The Aviation Climate Leadership Initiative aimed at facilitating the Indian aviation industry leadership in climate change initiatives, by introducing GHG accounting measures, and developingan emissions reduction roadmap for low carbon growth of the sector.

The objective of the study was to assess the risk with respect to GHG performance of the sector.

The project also focused on developing a strategy to demonstrate compliance with GHG related future policies and regulations. As part of project, probable scenarios were analysed to carve out a normative framework for actions.

The findings of the project were presented in the form of a report, which included the following:
• Overview of marks-based compliance programmes as compared with environment taxes.
• Extent of monetary incentives that airlines could potentially realise by adopting international programmes on fuel efficiency improvements
• Commonly available fuel efficiency measures that aviation industry can adopt.
• Cost savings through fuel efficiency improvement compared with cost of compliance, with stringent policy measures.

Partners: First Climate, British High Commission

Duration: 2011-2012